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ecognizing overhead is a crucial part of any optimization process. Digitizing certain processes frees up resources and shifts focus onto bigger tasks. This is exactly what the aim of our proposed and accepted solution is – The Corporate Portal. By transferring the onus onto the employee we freed up the HR department from mundane administrative tasks.

Following are some of important qualities and components of the platform (click to expand):

  • Simplicity

    Entire system is constructed using web technologies which makes it accessible over a regular browser and using controls familiar to most users who have experience using internet technologies. It’s as simple as browsing a website.
  • Back end integration

    By fully integrating into the back end of the accounting and ERP infrastructure, our system is able to obtain up to date information and provide documentation in a downloadable format. The portal requires no management as all necessary information is automatically imported and processed. Currently compatible with any DB driven accounting system and is integrated and tested with Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  • Employee registration

    Employee registration process is typically automated. Portal recognizes when new employee is registered in the accounting system, sets up the profile and notifies HR.
  • Reduction in overhead

    Removing employee inquiries from HR and Accounting department frees up valuable resources to focus on more important tasks.
  • Availability of data

    Data is historically available to all employees for a time limited by business requirements. Potentially, data can be made available indefinitely. This includes all paystub and T4 data if required. All features are available 24/7/365 to an authorized user over intra/internet.
  • Delivering Corporate Messages

    Many organizations do not provide all employees with corporate email accounts. This presents a challenge in delivering corporate messages and policies across the enterprise. Corporate Portal provides communications tools capable of distributing material to employees who have no access to other company resources.
  • Policy compliance

    Building on the provided messaging platform, Corporate Portal supports document version controls and read confirmations, ensuring that messages are delivered and accepted by employees. Each delivery and read receipt is time stamped and helps ensure that Policy Compliance is adequately maintained.
  • Pay stubs HR Forms Tax Forms

    By eliminating manual dispersion of paper pay stubs and providing easy, online access to such information we have eliminated the human factor that was previously involved. With the inclusion of HR and accounting forms, we have ensured that no such requests ever have to be issued directly to administrative staff. Static forms are built in compliance with Enterprise and Government standards, while fillable forms help maintain adequate information by forcing the user to input required criteria.

Please check the portfolio items below for further information and examples and contact us for a consultation on how AppGear Employee Self  Service Portal can help your enterprise.